Complimentary Assistance Program for Local Businesses
We know your business has been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and we want to help. Connect with your community by taking advantage of this free marketing offer.
Complimentary Marketing Offer Includes:
- Video or phone consultation with one of our media experts located in your community to discuss what is the most important message your business needs to communicate with customers right now.
- 10,000 digital impressions on the regional website of your choosing.
- Two 3 column x 5” print ads in the daily or weekly publication of your choice.
Advertising is based on inventory availability.
Additional Discounted Programs (Optional) - Beyond our free advertising program, we are offering special discounted marketing programs to help further extend your advertising message. Ask your media consultant for details.
To schedule your free campaign, please fill out the form and one of our local media experts will be in touch.